My slides from the User Group Meeting last Monday is now public available via SlideShare.
My slides from the User Group Meeting last Monday is now public available via SlideShare.
Do you sometimes drift off, thinking/dreaming crazy scenarios, that you almost instantly know won’t ever become a reality?
I had one of those moments, when I spotted, that #SQLSatCambridge and the NFL game at Wembley between The Pittsburgh Steelers and Minnesota Vikings were scheduled only a day apart. Oh how I wished to be in England that particular weekend. I had a pretty strong feeling, that the wife back home wouldn’t be too happy to ship me of, on grounds of just the NFL game. She has every right to, on the account of our third child arrived in July. So I dared to submit two abstracts, one on Custom Assemblies which I presented at #SQLSatDenmark and one on Cube Security, which I have been working with intensively for the last couple of years. In my childish bliss, I drifted of on the thought of me being in Cambridge on Saturday, and at Wembley on Sunday. Double blast!
Imagine my reaction, when I recieved a mail from the Mark Broadbent (blog|twitter), stating that my abstract on cube security had been elected. The mail got in around midnight, and I had to re-read it several times, just to check I wasn’t making it up. 12 hours later, I replied and confirmed my availability to the event. Time to go Work the misses.
As my wife instantly recognized, how proud I was, to have been elected to speak at #SqlSatCambridge, she saw no reason to why I couldn’t stay an extra day and watch the game. She has been shaking her head for the last several years, when the NFL season begins and I claim the TV-set. She knows I’m a huge fan of football, as well as SQLServer 😉
Note to self: Go Large on wife’s Christmas gift
So sometimes the most outrageous, mind bending, far fetched ideas can become a reality. One of mine will, the last weekend in September this year.
If you ever need to test Analysis Services roles, you can easily do so either by browsing the cube or by means of a query.
When browsing a cube through SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) or Bisuness Intelligence Developer Studio (BIDS), you can select one or more roles to be enforced on data, by clicking the little “user” icon in the top left corner of the cube browser:
You will then be able to select on or more of the roles available on the database via a dialog:
This way of browsing roles has the following pros and cons:
Pros: Visual confirmation of PC Hierarchies
Cons: A lot of clicking top verify permission integrity
The other way of testing roles is through SSMS is by creating an MDX query. The trick is to click the options button when the connection dialog is active. The last tab allows you to specify additional connection parameters. The Roles property is described in detail at technet. Basically it’s a comma seperated list of roles (case sensitive). The trick is showed in the screendump below:
Pros: Custom queries
Cons: No visual confirmation of integrity, can be hard to visually confirm permissions on a PC hierarchy as an example
Stødte på et underligt scenarie, jeg mener jeg vil gemme og dele med andre der måske er lige så uheldige at rende ind i det.
Ved at fjerne alle dependencies på en rolle i SSAS 2008 gennem AMO, bliver det umuligt at sætte nye dependencies og den lidt mere mystiske, at deploye en ny (den samme) database fra Visual Studio.
Workaround er at omdøbe kuben på SSAS instansen, for derefter at deploye igen. Voila.
Deploy overskriver den nyligt omdøbte database, fikser de fejl der måtte være og re-omdøber igen databasen.
Man kunne interessere sig for et trace på hvad der sker under omdøbningen!?