2.000 members milestone

It’s only been a couple of months since I took over the reins from co-partner Erik Svensen (t|l) for the Danish Power BI User Group. But even just a few months in, I see and appreciate all the hard work and effort Erik has put into this user group. It’s because of Erik’s relentless efforts over the past four-five years that I can now announce that the user group has 2.000 members!

Bravo Erik – Well done!


Power BI Community Tour

Blog post in Danish 🙂

Om lidt under en måned (25/4-27/4) ruller Power BI bussen afsted og gør sit første stop på Power BI Community Touren 2022. Mere præcist, så begynder vi i Lyngby, kører videre dagen efter til Odense og runder Touren af i Aarhus. Så alt efter hvor du er i landet, vil der være god mulighed for at deltage.

På hvert stop vil der blive disket op med introdultion og best practices indefor de forskellige elementer af Power BI. Med oplæg om Introduktion til Power BI, Data Loading & Mashup, Data Modellering & DAX, Data Visualisering og Distribution og deling vil alle hjørner være dækket.

Der er tale om oplæg der retter sig mod begyndere eller meget let øvede brugere af Power BI, og du kan her få en tryggere start på din rejse med Power BI.

  • Har du brugt Power BI, men mangler at vide hvordan det hele hænger sammen?
  • Har du importeret noget data i Power BI, men mangler at vide hvordan man organiserer sine tabeller?
  • Har du lavet en Power BI rapport, men mangler at vide hvordan man bedst visualiserer dataene?
  • Har du udviklet nogle rapporter, men mangler at vide hvordan du deler dem med dine kollegaer?
  • Har du aldrig brugt Power BI, men vil gerne vide mere om hvorfor det er et af de mest populære rapporterings- og self-service BI værktøjer?

Hvis du svarer ja til ét eller flere af disse spørgsmÃ¥l, sÃ¥ er Power BI Community Tour for dig. Hvis ikke – sÃ¥ send meget gerne denne information videre til relevante kollegaer!

Sign up her: https://lnkd.in/eVzcBMvp

En stor tak til JDM, Kapacity, Microsoft og Seges for at stille lokaler og forplejning til rådighed.


[Issue] – The Mystery of the Hidden Column

Yesterday I was trying to setup a new Power BI dashboard for our SQL Server Analysis Services logging data.
We are running traces on most of our servers, in order to keep up with what is going on – this mainly because all other access to the boxes is restricted.

Now, having the data in a SQL Server database, the connection to Power BI Desktop is of course supported out of the box, no issues here what-so-ever, one should think. I however, came across creating a particular view on top of a table, the just didn’t compute in the Power BI Desktop Designer. As depicted below, the view in question would just not be possible to load/edit. Microsoft is looking into this.

View Error

I managed to get around the view issue by persiting the data in another table, consolidating and filtering to only have relevant data there.

Loading the data, from the table into Power BI Desktop Designer is easy, you just point to the server, pick the table and you are presented with two options, either to load or to edit. In this case I opted to load the data. I started playing around with the data and quickly discovered that I was missing out on some attributes in the data. For one thing I needed to convert my date to day, month and year (would have loved some basic week functionality as well, but maybe later eh?).
This functionality is actually build into the tool (Power BI Desktop Designer), so you can generate those extra columns by selecting “Add column” in the ribbon, select the desired date (if you have more) and choose from one of the many options in the “date convert picker”

Month Date Selector

– apologies for the screenshot in Danish.

The above selection will yield the Column you see in same screenshot, named [Month No], and as you can see, it returns a number. This is not very end user friendly, so a little convertion is in order.
The normal Excel IF(test, success, fail) does not work in the Power BI desktop Designer, we need to write it a little bit differently – this is how I convert month number into text:

if Text.Range([Month No],0,1) = "1" then "Jan" else 
if Text.Range([Month No],0,1) = "2" then "Feb" else 
if Text.Range([Month No],0,1) = "3" then "Mar" else 
if Text.Range([Month No],0,1) = "4" then "Apr" else 
if Text.Range([Month No],0,1) = "5" then "May" else 
if Text.Range([Month No],0,1) = "6" then "Jun" else 
if Text.Range([Month No],0,1) = "7" then "Jul" else 
if Text.Range([Month No],0,1) = "8" then "Aug" else 
if Text.Range([Month No],0,1) = "9" then "Sep" else 
if Text.Range([Month No],0,2) = "10" then "Oct" else 
if Text.Range([Month No],0,2) = "11" then "Nov" else 
if Text.Range([Month No],0,2) = "12" then "Dec" else 

as a custom column:

User Defined Column MonthPlease note the little green check mark indicating everything’s Dandy (b|l|t)… No not that Dandy….

But to my great surprise, the column does not show up in the data source view (or whatever they call it in Power BI Desktop Designer) – Look for [Month Name] as I renamed the column from [Month] in a later step.

Data Source View
WTH is my column?
