Recertified as Azure Administrator Associate!

For the second time this year, I have successfully passed a re-certification test. This time around was the Azure Administrator Associate – AZ-104 certification, which I passed initially about two (2) years go (August 14th – 2020). I am happy and thrilled to be able to add this badge to my collection for the next year.

New Certifications/Re-Certifications this Year

Past, but still active, certifications


Pre Con: Azure Data Integration Bootcamp

🚨 Data Insight Summit – In person Conference in Chicago: 12-14th September 2022 🚨

Find the workshops here: Pre-Conference Full-day Workshops – Data Insight Summit

I will be hosting a pre con in collaboration with RADACAD in Chicago.

In this session we will be diving into most of the major moving parts of an automated enterprise BI solution, as per Microsoft reference architecture (Enterprise business intelligence – Azure Reference Architectures | Microsoft Docs). Azure Active Directory, Blob storage, Azure Monitor, Azure Synapse, Azure Data Factory, Azure Analysis Services and Power BI serving as key pillars in building a solid custom framework for automated data ingestion and analysis. Learn how to setup each of these services, how they interact and how to benefit from built in automation in Azure.
Leading by example, we will be tracing data from various sources on its journey through the Azure services, configuring them configure as we go along.


Microsoft Connected Learning Experience program

Excited to be a part of the panel for the Microsoft Connected Learning Experience program! Join us for the program starting April 22nd as we talk about Azure Fundamental exams and give you a personalized and prescriptive learning experience for exam readiness.

Study Smart…Not Hard! and pass MS Azure Fundamental exams.

Register here:

#avd #cloudlearning #microsoftcertified #microsoftazure #microsoft #CLX #MSAzureCLX #ConnectedLearningExperience #CloudLabs #SpektraSystems


Supervising the PL-300 Labs at the Microsoft Business Application Cloud Week for Partners

BizApps Cloud Week

The conference is taking place April 4-8 and only requires a 2-hour commitment each day (apart from the labs). It is a virtual skilling event designed to teach attendees the practical applications of Dynamics 365 and Power Platform and prepare them for certification.
The agenda focuses on role-based certification tracks that are very relevant to my responsibilities as a what ever position they pursuit. This conference will have instructor-led courses, labs, exam prep sessions, and both live and offline Q&A.
Attending this conference would enable you to build your skills and implement them into customer projects in a meaningful way that would benefit my team and your company.
Please check out the conference registration page: Business Applications Cloud Week for Partners. The conference is free to attend with the only commitment being my time, as long as your are a Microsoft Partner.

My role in this event is supervising the labs. Specifically the labs around the PL-300 course. If you are unfamiliar with the PL-300 exam, it might be that DA-100 rings a bell!? The PL-300 certification replaces the DA-100 exam and introduces a set of changes. You can compare the skills tested here for PL-300 and here for DA-100. In a quick glance, the differences are as follows:

Prepare the data (15-20%)Prepare the data (20-25%)
Model the data (30-35%)Model the data (25-30%)
Visualize and analyze the data (25-30%)Visualize the data (20-25%)
Deploy and maintain assets (20-25%)Analyze the data (10-15%)
Deploy and maintain deliverables (10-15%)

Obviously Microsoft has updated the content, but also moved the certification from one branch (DA) to another (PL). The DA branch only contained the DA-100 certification, as all other data related certifications either reside in the DP branch. Now it’s moved in with the other Power Platform certifications in the PL branch.

Back to the labs!

In this week of Business Applications, I am supervising the labs that run as homework for the classes in Power BI. These labs are similar, but not the same, as the ones that are available on some of the Microsoft Learn Learning Paths. If you are not familiar with these new and powerful capabilities of the online learning experience with Microsoft Learn, you should definitely check them out.

The labs are highly specialized towards a specific learning goal and of great use, when you want to fiddle about with a well refined use case.


Power BI Community Tour

Blog post in Danish 🙂

Om lidt under en måned (25/4-27/4) ruller Power BI bussen afsted og gør sit første stop på Power BI Community Touren 2022. Mere præcist, så begynder vi i Lyngby, kører videre dagen efter til Odense og runder Touren af i Aarhus. Så alt efter hvor du er i landet, vil der være god mulighed for at deltage.

På hvert stop vil der blive disket op med introdultion og best practices indefor de forskellige elementer af Power BI. Med oplæg om Introduktion til Power BI, Data Loading & Mashup, Data Modellering & DAX, Data Visualisering og Distribution og deling vil alle hjørner være dækket.

Der er tale om oplæg der retter sig mod begyndere eller meget let øvede brugere af Power BI, og du kan her få en tryggere start på din rejse med Power BI.

  • Har du brugt Power BI, men mangler at vide hvordan det hele hænger sammen?
  • Har du importeret noget data i Power BI, men mangler at vide hvordan man organiserer sine tabeller?
  • Har du lavet en Power BI rapport, men mangler at vide hvordan man bedst visualiserer dataene?
  • Har du udviklet nogle rapporter, men mangler at vide hvordan du deler dem med dine kollegaer?
  • Har du aldrig brugt Power BI, men vil gerne vide mere om hvorfor det er et af de mest populære rapporterings- og self-service BI værktøjer?

Hvis du svarer ja til ét eller flere af disse spørgsmÃ¥l, sÃ¥ er Power BI Community Tour for dig. Hvis ikke – sÃ¥ send meget gerne denne information videre til relevante kollegaer!

Sign up her:

En stor tak til JDM, Kapacity, Microsoft og Seges for at stille lokaler og forplejning til rådighed.
