Testing Your #SSAS Cubes w/ Visual Studio

This is my ninth post in a series of entry-level posts, as suggested by Tim Ford (b|l|t) in this challenge.
I have not set any scope for the topics of my, at least, twelve (12) posts in this blog category of mine, but I can assure, it’ll be focused on SQL Server stuff. This time it’s going to be about how to create a consistent test setup of your Analysis Services (SSAS MD) databases, across servers, using build in features in Visual Studio (VS).

Previous Posts in Entry Level Serie:


This technique requires a tiny bit of C# programming (or VB if you prefer that) – But do not let this scare you off. I guarantee the effort pays of well in the end. But if you want to jump right into testing, I have shared some code in this blog post, that will get you going even faster.


One of the main drawbacks of using this approach, is that test methods in VS does not support parameters. This means we have to create a method for each type of MDX we want to execute against a cube.

We can however execute the same MDX on multiple cubes, from the same method.

Depending on whether you test for consistency or performance, having the test methods run synchronously, one after the other, will either work for you or against you. We do, unfortunately not, have the liberty to choose execution mode as we see fit. This blog post sums up how to enable parallel testing, but in our case we do no meet the requirements which are (I have highlighted the ones we fail to meet):

  1. Ensure you have a multi-core/CPU machine
  2. Ensure you are running only unit tests
  3. Ensure your tests are thread-safe
  4. Ensure you do not have any data adapters on
  5. Ensure you are running locally
  6. Modify your test settings file.

The Code

We begin by creating a new Unit Test Project in Visual Studio.

New Unit Test Project

Once the project has been created, we can add classes to our project. Each of these classes can contain one (1) or more tests. In this example, I will expose two (2) tests to the Visual Studio test framework.

But before we can do any testing, some plumbing is in order. I have attached code to this blog post, in which there is a class that wraps the ADOMD class library as well as implements some easy of use functionality. This class is called Helper. In this implementation it contains a method to clear the cache of a cube, execute XMLA or MDX against a cube and finally a method to assert if two (2) CellSets are identical. The Helper class relies on settings found in the App.config file. You are free to make the code your own, but can use it as is.

Here is an example of one test you might have in a cube. Testing if the grand total of a specific measure [Internet Sales] stays consistent for each deployment.

Test Class

When we build our Visual Studio project, the Test Explorer will automatically pick up on any newly added test methods in any of the classes in the project. So you can add as many classes with as many (or few) methods you’d like.

Build (right click) or [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[b]


In this quick introduction I will only show how to execute the test via the Test Explorer. Obviously this should be automated, as I will blog about in another post.

Knowing right away, that you introduced a bug into the code base, can save you hours of back tracking.

In the Test Explorer you can select any single test or multiple tests, then right-click and select Run Selected Tests.

Run Selected Tests

You will end up with a result in the same pane; either Success, Failure or Undecided. The last option is not included in this example, but is a viable option if you extend your unit/integration testing further.

My result looks like this:

Test OutcomeWith this test, we established that the grand total of the measure Customer Count was consistent across both versions of the cube. If this fails, you may be into trouble with either your data model, your cube script or something completely different. The test won’t tell what is wrong, only that you have an inconsistency.

Fail fast, fail often!


Unit/Integration testing in Visual Studio is actually not that hard and can save you a lot pain down the road. The testing framework in Visual Studio offers extensive ways of executing batches of tests. You can group tests by Class, Duration, Outcome, Trait or Project.

When you right-click a test, you get the option to select how you want the tests in the Test Explorer to be grouped.

Test Group By

Traits can be added as properties to the method declaration in the class. The attribute is called TestCategory and you can have multiple declarations per method. As you can probably tell, you can weave an intrinsic web of categories of test methods. In other words, one test method can be part of one or more schemes by which you test your code. You should test development deployments differently from test deployments, which again should be tested differently from production deployments.

Test Category

Or you can store tests in playlists by right clicking and adding them separately to one (1) or more playlists.

In the top of the Test Explorer, you select which playlist you want active.


Happy testing 🙂


After publishing this post, Fabrice Michellonet (b|l|t) did clarify the difference between Unit Testing, and what I am showing in this post; Integration Testing. Now, admittedly I hash tagged the tweet #UnitTesting, which was incorrect. However, it seems easy to fall into that trap, as Microsofts Test Template for this kind of project is Unit Test Project – even though you are not going to do any Unit Testing.

Microsoft Test Templates


Code available here: ssas-unittestproject


SQL Server 2016 RTM available as Azure VM

As of today, the latest release of SQL Server is available as a Virtual Machine on Microsofts Azure Platform.
In a matter of minutes you’ll be able to try out all the new features that was added.

SQL2016 in Azure

I am, among other things, looking forward to play with DBCC for Analysis Services and see what optimizations are in the box (and not featured in the news bullets)

Try it out at http://portal.azure.com


Speaking at Microsoft BI Professionals Denmark

Microsoft Denmark HQSpeaking Kick Off 2016 – Slow start!

On Monday 23rd, I will be speaking at the Microsoft Business Intelligence Professionals, Denmark [MsBIP] user Group meeting. It’s been about two years since I was the host of one such meeting, while I was at Maersk Line. This time it’s at the new Microsoft HQ in Lyngby – And it will be my first visit there.

This will also be my first public talk this year.


The MsBIP User Group, is a community group dedicated to share information about Microsoft BI technologies, such as:Power BI User Group

  • SharePoint (PPS, Excel, SSRS…)
  • Excel og Power BI (PowerPivot, Power View, Power Query, Power Map)
  • 3. Party Products

The User Group is also part of the Microsoft Power BI User Group Program.

There will be two talks at this session:

Time Intelligence in DAX, Marco Russo [b|l|t]

Time Intelligence is probably the most interesting feature of any analytical solution. Computing Year To Date, Month To Date, Same Period Previous Year is quite easy in DAX but, as soon as the customer requests for time intelligence require working days evaluation, complex and custom calendar shapes, seasonal pattern recognition, the DAX formulas start to be harder to write.
In this session we are going to show how to compute classical time intelligence with the built-in DAX functions. Then, we will show some more complex time intelligence formulas that require to think out of the box, using advanced data modeling and querying techniques to produce interesting and useful formulas.

Pro Techniques for the SSAS Developer, Jens Vestergaard [b|l|t]

Getting the techniques in your tool belt right, makes a world of a difference.  Did you ever wonder, how to deploy a cube, with minimum impact to query performance? Or how to optimize processing performance? Are you really ready to deploy when its required? Or do you get nervous every time?
Attend this session to build and improve your SSAS Developer skills, by exploring:

  • Custom Assemblies – To improve Query Performance
  • Partitioning – To improve Processing Performance
  • Unit Testing – To improve Cube Release Quality
  • Synchronization – To improve End User Experience
  • PowerShell to tie all the ends together

My session will be presented for the first time at this event, and I hope you will join me for some SSAS Fun. Seating is limited to 50, or so I heard.


#TSQL2SDAY #77 – Favorite SQL Server Feature – RoundUp

This week, I have been looking forward to the time where I got to read through all the contributions to my #TSQL2SDAY invitation: Favorite SQL Server Feature. Very happy to see this many. I have added a short description of each blog post, as well as my own personal key take-away(s).

So, in no particular order, I give you the round-up:

Rob Farley (b|l|t)

Rob writes about SQL Server being backwards compatible and why that is cool. Rob also encourages to upgrade, if you are stuck on older versions – it’s what Microsoft recommends as well.
I also like that fact that with Azure SQL Databases, you don’t need to make the decision – it’s taken care of for you!
Key Take-Away: “…we now recommend ongoing, proactive installation of CU’s as they become available.

Reasons To Upgrade SQL Server

Ben Miller (b)

Ben makes a great point in introducing Server Management Objects (SMO) – I like the fact that the post is kept as simple as possible, but still explains the why’s and how’s. If you are not aware of SMO, please do get going and Ben’s place is a good start!
Key Take-Away: I know SMO already, so no gain here…

T-SQL Tuesday #77- SMO is my favorite feature

John Morisi (b)

John must have balls the size of Texas. His favorite SQL Server feature is Replication! No, kidding aside. John offers a quick intro into what options there are with Replication and makes an effort to debunk some of the bad reputation Replication has. Do you wanna know more?
Key Take-Away: “…Replicate data to any ODBC or OLE DB accessible database including Oracle, AKA heterogeneous replication.

Favorite SQL Server Feature – Replication

James Anderson (b|l|t)

Has written about Partition switching. This feature is as cool as it sounds – and what even more cool, it’s quick! I have used this technique in my ETL, at times. Normally data can be moved quickly enough, but when you need it done ultra fast, this is definitely an option worth investigating.
James also provides a little insight into new features in the upcoming release of SQL Server 2016.
Key Take-Away: “The good news is that the SWITCH command works on regular tables and in any edition.

Partition Switching #TSQL2SDAY #77

Shane O’Neill (b|t)

Seems this is Shanes first blog post ever, so kudos for making the entrance on the #TSQL2DAY stage! Shanes first adventure in blogging hits it out with an excellent run-down of Common Table Expressions, and a recursive one that is!
Key Take-Away: “…you are SELECTing from the CTE while still defining the CTE!!

T-SQL Tuesday #77: Recursive Common Table Expression (CTE)

Andy Mallon (b|t)

Andy’s blog post is a challenge to the topic. A challenge which I think is utterly justified. Andy advocates to take a step back. Look at the bigger picture. Take a moment of thought, before you start hammering away with your new found hammer.
Key Take-Away: “…configuring a multi-subnet WSFC, with an AG that spans two FCIs, then take backups from the readable secondary to use for cross-domain log shipping to a third data center.” (who doesn’t eat that for Breakfast?)

T-SQL Tuesday #77 – My Favorite SQL Server Feature

Andy Yun (b|l|t)

Andy offers up Dynamic Management View/Dynamic Management Functions (DMV/DMF) as his favorite SQL Server feature. The blog post is a quick introduction to DMV’s/DMF’s and makes a great starting point for anyone who haven’t yet been using those. Andy also shows a couple of pointers, to what DMV’s/DMF’s has to offer. The information is practically endless…
Key Take-Away: “…DMVs/DMFs are the gateway into SQL Server!

T-SQL Tuesday #77: My Favorite SQL Server Feature

Jason Brimhall (b|l|t)

Jason has written an awesome post about the almost unmentionable feature. In the end however, he caves in and spills the whole deal. Unintentionally, I think, there are several take-away’s from Jason’s blog post – both the feature (which I will not dare utter), but also Synonyms – If nothing else, Jason demonstrates and example to follow, in the sense that the customer gets a perfectly working solution at minimum cost (even though an upgrade would have been way more cool to work with etc…)
Key Take-Away: “Using a synonym, I can extend this database beyond the 10GB limitation…”

Awesome SQL Server Feature

Kennie Nybo Pontoppidan (b|l|t)

Kennie offers another shot at CTE’s; This one also recursive.
Key Take-Away: “…we continually join the data set to the result set as it exists for each “loop”

T-SQL Tuesday #76 – Parsing code hierachies with CTEs

Edwin M Sarmiento (b|l|t)

Via a Dell Laptop, Edwin steers us through a good number of uses of SQL Server Logging. To anyone who thinks logging is just logging, have a look at the uses in Edwin blog post.
Key Take-Away:”How To Forecast Database Disk Capacity If You Don’t Have A Monitoring Tool

TSQL Tuesday #77 – Favorite SQL Server Feature: Logging

John Sterret (b|l|t)

John talks about Transactional Replication for Azure SQL Databases and offers three main reasons why this is an ûber cool feature. I have to agree, that this is a really cool feature and John does a good job explaining why. Looking forward to the follow-up post containing the How To.
Key Take-Away: “The reporting subscriber database can be scaled up or down as needed based on your needs…

Replication for Azure Databases – #TSQL2SDAY #77

Derik Hammer (b|t)

With the End of Support for SQL Server 2005, Derik finds it appropriate to pay his respects by picking Database Mirroring as his favorite feature. The feature will be replaced by Basic Availability Groups in SQL Server 2016.
Key Take-Away: “…mirroring fails over even faster than Availability Groups.

Favorite SQL Server Feature – #TSQL2SDAY #77

Kenneth Fisher (b|l|t)

In this post Kenneth walks us through the different applications of Delayed Durability in SQL Server. Advice on Simple and Full Recovery Mode as well as HA scenarios are covered. Delayed Durability is a new feature to SQL Server 2014 and applies to Azure SQL Database as well as the upcoming SQL Server 2016 release.
Key Take-Aways: “The fact that this should be utilized for massive Data Warehouse loads, where durability is not of concern.”

The Risk of Delayed Durability

I was really impressed by the hard work put into this round of #TSQL2SDAY, so thank you, to all the contributors. Great job all!
