Spoiler Alert: If you know my wife – hush hush, please let me go through with the surprise 🙂
I was very thrilled, highly excited and a little surprised to receive the note, that my abstract on Analysis Services Security was accepted for the SQL Saturday #380 in New York City, US. The number of submission were through the roof, so I am very grateful for the extra ordinary opportunity.
I know for a fact, that my wife is not going to see this post, so I can safely shout it out in this blog post. At home however, I am bound to keep my joy tamed, as I am planning to surprise my wife, with a couple of kids-free days in The Big Apple. Currently she has accepted an invitation to a bachelors party on the same Saturday, but I guess she’s going to miss out on that 🙂 But in case you read this and have a connection to my wife, please do keep my little secret safe.
If you haven’t already heard about the concept of SQL Saturday, I suggest you rush of to www.sqlsaturday.com and dive into the numerous opportunities to attend free Microsoft SQL Server training sessions. There is bound to be some event close to you, in near future. Surely it’s going to be a smashing event in New York end of May.